Seznam aktivnih politik
Ime | Tip | Uporabnikova privolitev |
Politika zasebnosti in varstva osebnih podatkov / Privacy policy and personal data protection | Politika zasebnosti | Prijavljeni uporabniki |
Pravilnik o piškotkih / Rules on cookies | Druge politike | Prijavljeni uporabniki |
Pogoji uporabe / Terms of use | Politika strani | Vsi uporabniki |
Avtorske pravice / Copyright | Politika strani | Prijavljeni uporabniki |
Mednarodna fakulteta za družbene in poslovne študije (MFDPŠ) se zaveda pomena varstva osebnih podatkov v skladu s Splošno uredbo o varstvu podatkov (v nadaljevanju GDPR) ter Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov (v nadaljevanju ZVOP-1). Politika zasebnosti in varstva osebnih podatkov vsebuje informacije o zbiranju osebnih podatkov uporabnikov v okviru spletnega mesta MFDPŠ, ki vključuje vse spletne strani in podstrani MFDPŠ (, Novis ( in E-učilnico MFDPŠ ( z vsemi vključenimi storitvami.
Kot upravljalec spletnega mesta si MFDPŠ pridržuje pravico, da Politiko zasebnosti in varstva osebnih podatkov občasno dopolnjuje in posodablja v skladu s tehničnimi novostmi in zakonodajo brez predhodne najave ali obveščanja uporabnikov. V ta namen uporabnike prosimo, da pred uporabo spletnega mesta MFDPŠ preverijo datum zadnje spremembe.
Celotna politika
Politika zasebnosti in varstva osebnih podatkov
Lastnik in upravljalec spletnega mesta MFDPŠ:
Uradno ime podjetja: Mednarodna fakulteta za družbene in poslovne študije (MFDPŠ).
Sedež podjetja: Mariborska cesta 7, 3000 Celje, Slovenija
- Splošne določbe
Mednarodna fakulteta za družbene in poslovne študije (MFDPŠ) se zaveda pomena varstva osebnih podatkov v skladu s Splošno uredbo o varstvu podatkov (v nadaljevanju GDPR) ter Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov (v nadaljevanju ZVOP-1). Politika zasebnosti in varstva osebnih podatkov vsebuje informacije o zbiranju osebnih podatkov uporabnikov v okviru spletnega mesta MFDPŠ, ki vključuje vse spletne strani in podstrani MFDPŠ (, Novis ( in E-učilnico MFDPŠ ( z vsemi vključenimi storitvami.
Kot upravljalec spletnega mesta si MFDPŠ pridržuje pravico, da Politiko zasebnosti in varstva osebnih podatkov občasno dopolnjuje in posodablja v skladu s tehničnimi novostmi in zakonodajo brez predhodne najave ali obveščanja uporabnikov. V ta namen uporabnike prosimo, da pred uporabo spletnega mesta MFDPŠ preverijo datum zadnje spremembe.
2. Uporaba, obseg in namen hranjenja in obdelave podatkov
Osebne podatke hranimo in obdelujemo za namene ohranjevanja stika s posamezniki, za namen obveščanja prek elektronske pošte o naših storitvah, dogodkih, ipd. s ciljem prilagojene ponudbe vsebin strankam v elektronski pošti in na spletnih mestih. Od poslanih elektronskih sporočil si zabeležimo prikaze na strani posameznikov prejetih sporočil in klike na povezave v prejetih sporočilih.
Za namen obveščanja preko elektronske pošte hranimo naslednje podatke:
naslov elektronske pošte,
telefonsko številko.
Osebne podatke zbiramo z izrecno privolitvijo oz. soglasjem posameznikov. Soglasja hranimo skupaj z njihovo vsebino in vsebino obrazca, s katerim so bila dobljena.
V primeru uporabe spletnega mesta MFDPŠ se za osebno privolitev šteje ravnanje uporabnika, ki z vnosom podatkov v spletni obrazec in izvedbo pošiljanja podatkov potrdi, da se strinja s Politiko varstva osebnih podatkov. Upravljavec ne prevzema odgovornosti za verodostojnost, točnost in ažurnost osebnih podatkov in kontaktnih podatkov, ki jih posreduje uporabnik. Kot uporabnik spletnega mesta MFDPŠ ste dolžni sami poskrbeti za točnost in ažurnost vseh posredovanih podatkov v okviru spletnega mesta MFDPŠ.
MFDPŠ tako zbrane podatke, ki jih je uporabnik vnesel v spletni obrazec, obdeluje za namene, za katere jih kot uporabnik spletnega mesta MFDPŠ posredujete (komuniciranje in obveščanje, pošiljanje informacij, gradiva in vabil na dogodke MFDPŠ, statistične obdelave, analize in priprave poročil, ter za telefonsko, pisno in elektronsko anketiranje).
3. Iznos
Zbrani osebni podatki se hranijo na območju Republike Slovenije ter jih v nobenem primeru ne iznašamo v druge države.
4. Obdobje hrambe
Zbrane osebne podatke posameznikov hranimo do preklica soglasja za hranjenje in obdelavo podatkov posameznika. Podatki o vaši prijavi se shranjujejo in obdelujejo, dokler se ne odjavite od storitve obveščanja po e-pošti prek spletnega mesta MFDPŠ ali na e-naslov oziroma dokler na e-naslov ne posredujete svoje pisne zahteve za umik soglasja za obdelavo osebnih podatkov. Po preklicu soglasja posameznika njegove osebne podatke najkasneje v petnajstih (15) dneh trajno izbrišemo.
V kolikor bi na MFDPŠ prenehali zgoraj opisani nameni, zaradi katerih hranimo in obdelujemo osebne podatke, bomo zbirke podatkov, katerih namen je prenehal, najkasneje v petnajstih (15) dneh trajno izbrisali.
Podatke o prikazih prejetih sporočil in klikih na povezave v prejetih sporočilih hranimo še 36 mesecev od pošiljanja sporočila.
5. Kako varujemo zbrane osebne podatke
Spletno mesto MFDPŠ gostuje na varnem spletnem strežniku in je podvržena rednim varnostnim pregledom.
Zbrane osebne podatke uporabljamo izključno za navedene namene, jih ne tržimo ali posredujemo tretjim osebam, razen partnerjem, ki nam pomagajo vzdrževati spletno stran, ki pa so zavezani varovati osebne podatke pod istimi pogoji kot to velja za MFDPŠ.
V izjemnih primerih lahko vaše osebne podatke, v skladu z zakonom, posredujemo državnim in varnostnim organom, v kolikor bi ti podali uradno zahtevo za posredovanje osebnih podatkov.
- Pravice posameznika
Vsak posameznik lahko kadarkoli zahteva:
a) Pravico do dostopa podatkov
b) Pravico do popravka
c) Pravico do izbrisa (»pravica do pozabe«)
d) Pravico do omejitve obdelave
e) Pravico do prenosljivosti podatkov
f) Pravico do ugovora
a) Pravico do dostopa do podatkov
Posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ima pravico od MFDPŠ dobiti potrditev, ali se v zvezi z njim obdelujejo osebni podatki, in kadar je temu tako, dostop do osebnih podatkov in dodatnih informacij v zvezi z obdelavo osebnih podatkov, kamor sodijo:
- Nameni obdelave,
- Vrste osebnih podatkov,
- Uporabniki in kategorije uporabnika, ki so jim bili ali jim bodo razkriti osebni podatki, zlasti uporabnike v tretjih državah in mednarodnih organizacijah,
- Kadar je mogoče, predvideno obdobje hrambe osebnih podatkov ali, če to ni mogoče, merila, ki se uporabljajo za določitev tega obdobja,
- Obstoj pravice, da se od upravljalca zahteva popravek ali izbris podatkov ali omejitev obdelave osebnih podatkov v zvezi s posameznikom, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ali obstoj pravice do ugovora taki obdelavi,
- Pravica do vložitve pritožbe pri pristojnem organu.
Na podlagi zahteve posameznika, MFDPŠ zagotovi kopijo njegovih osebnih podatkov, ki se obdelujejo.
b) Pravica do popravka
Posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ima pravico doseči, da MFDPŠ brez nepotrebnega odlašanja popravi netočne osebne podatke v zvezi z njim. Posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ima ob upoštevanju namenov obdelave pravico do dopolnitve nepopolnih osebnih podatkov, vključno s predložitvijo dopolnilne izjave.
c) Pravica do izbrisa (»pravica do pozabe«)
Posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ima pravico doseči, da MFDPŠ brez nepotrebnega odlašanja izbriše osebne podatke v zvezi z njim, MFDPŠ pa ima obveznost osebne podatke brez nepotrebnega odlašanja izbrisati:
- Kadar osebni podatki niso več potrebni za namene, za katere so bili zbrani ali kako drugače obdelani.
- Kadar Posameznik prekliče privolitev, ki je podlaga za obdelavo osebnih podatkov, pa za obdelavo ne obstaja nobena druga pravna podlaga.
- Kadar Posameznik ugovarja obdelavi na podlagi neposrednega trženja.
- Kadar je osebne podatke treba izbrisati za izpolnitev pravne obveznosti v skladu s pravom EU ali slovenskim pravnim redom, kadar gre za podatke, v zvezi s ponujanjem storitev informacijske družbe, nepravilno zbrane od otroka, ki skladno z veljavno zakonodajo takšnih podatkov ne more dati.
d) Pravica do omejitve obdelave
Posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ima pravico doseči, da MFDPŠ omeji obdelavo, kadar:
- Posameznik oporeka točnost podatkov, in sicer za obdobje, ki je upravljalcu omogoča preveriti točnost osebnih podatkov.
- Je obdelava nezakonita in posameznik nasprotuje izbrisu osebnih podatkov ter namesto tega zahteva omejitev njihove uporabe.
- MFDPŠ osebnih podatkov ne potrebuje več za namene obdelave, temveč jih posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, potrebuje za uveljavljanje, izvajanje ali obrambo pravnih zahtevkov.
- Je posameznik vložil ugovor v zvezi z obdelavo, dokler se ne preveri, ali zakoniti razlogi upravljalca prevladajo nad razlogi posameznika, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki.
e) Pravica do prenosljivosti podatkov
Posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ima pravico, da prejme osebne podatke v zvezi z njim, ki jih je posredoval MFDPŠ, v strukturirani, splošno uporabljivi in strojno berljivi obliki in pravico, da te podatke posreduje drugemu upravljalcu, ne da bi ga MFDPŠ, ki so mu bili osebni podatki zagotovljeni pri tem oviral, kadar:
- Obdelava temelji na privolitvi posameznika ali pogodbi,
- Se obdelava izvaja z avtomatiziranimi sredstvi.
f) Pravica do ugovora
Posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ima na podlagi razlogov, povezanih z njegovim posebnim položajem, pravico, da kadar koli ugovarja obdelavi osebnih podatkov, če ta temelji na zakonitih interesih, za katere si prizadeva MFDPŠ ali tretja oseba. MFDPŠ mora prenehati obdelovati osebne podatke, razen če dokaže nujne razloge za obdelavo, ki prevladujejo nad interesi, pravicami in svoboščinami posameznika, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ali za uveljavljanje, izvajanje ali obrambo pravnih zahtevkov. Kadar se osebni podatki obdelujejo za namene neposrednega trženja, ima posameznik pravico, da kadar koli ugovarja obdelavi osebnih podatkov v zvezi z njim za namene takega trženja. Kolikor neposredno trženje temelji na privolitvi, se pravica do ugovora izvede s preklicem dane osebne privolitve.
- Piškotki
Za pravilno delovanje spletnega mesta MFDPŠ in boljšo uporabnikovo izkušnjo uporabljamo piškotke za. MFDPŠ spoštuje vašo zasebnost in se obvezuje, da bo podatke uporabnikov varovala v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo (Zakonom o elektronski komunikaciji; ZEKom-1, Ur. l. RS, št. 109/2012 in nasl.).
Kot uporabnik spletnega mesta MFDPŠ lahko piškotke kadarkoli sprejmete ali jih zavrnete. Če ne želite sprejemati piškotkov, nastavite svoj brskalnik tako, da izbriše vse piškotke s trdega diska računalnika, jih blokira ali vas opozori, preden se piškotek shrani na disk. Vse o piškotkih in podatki o piškotkih, ki jih uporabljamo na spletnem mestu MFDPŠ, so podrobneje predstavljeni v Pravilniku o piškotkih.
8. Pravica do vložitve pritožbe v zvezi z obdelovanjem osebnih podatkov
Zahtevo lahko pošlje preko e maila ali pisno po pošti na sedež fakultete.
V primeru, da bi MFDPŠ želeli nadalje obdelovati osebne podatke za namen, ki ni namen, za katerega so bili osebni podatki zbrani, bomo Posamezniku pred tako nadaljnjo obdelavo podatkov zagotovili informacije o tem drugem namenu in vse nadaljnje relevantne informacije, kot so podane v temu dokumentu.
Vsak Posameznik lahko v primeru, da meni, da so mu z našega spletnega mesta kakorkoli kršene pravice z naslova varstva njegovih osebnih podatkov, kadarkoli poda pritožbo pri nadzornemu organu - Informacijskemu pooblaščencu v Republiki Sloveniji: Republika Slovenija, Informacijski pooblaščenec, Zaloška 59, 1000 Ljubljana,
MFDPŠ spoštuje vašo zasebnost in v skladu z zakonodajo (Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov ZVOP-1, Ur. l. RS št. 94/07 in GDPR), zato na spletnem mestu izvajamo vse aktivnosti za zaščito in etično ravnanje z vašimi osebnimi podatki.
9. Končne določbe
Ta politika je objavljena na spletnem mestu MFDPŠ in začne veljati s 25.5.2018.
Privacy policy and personal data protection
Owner and manager of the ISSBS website:
Official name of the company: International School of Social and Business Studies (ISSBS).
Head office: Mariborska cesta 7, 3000 Celje, Slovenia
- General provisions
The International School of Social and Business Studies (ISSBS) is aware of the importance of protecting personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter, GDPR) and the Slovenian Personal Data Protection Act (hereinafter, ZVOP-1). The privacy and personal data protection policy contains information on the collection of personal data of users in the ISSBS website, which includes all its websites and sub-pages of ISSBS (, Novis ( and the E-Classroom of ISSBS (, with all their services included.
As the manager of its website, ISSBS reserves the right to update periodically the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy, as a result technical updates and legislation, without prior announcement or information to users. To this end, we request users to check the date of the latest changes before using the ISSBS website.
- Use, scope and purpose of data storage and processing
Personal data is stored and processed for the purpose of maintaining contact with individuals, for the purpose of informing of our services, events, etc. via e-mail, as well as with the goal of sending personalized content to customers via e-mail and via our websites. From the received emails from interested parties via the online form on our website, we record the reactions from the users who sent those emails, as well as their related clicks.
For the purpose of informing by e-mail, we store the following information:
email address,
phone number.
ISSBS collects personal information with explicit consent of individuals. The consent is stored together with their related content and format with which they were obtained.
In the event of the use of the ISSBS website, personal consent of the user is assumed. By submitting data in the web form and by allowing data transfer, the user agrees with the Personal Data Protection Policy. The operator assumes no responsibility for the reliability, accuracy and validity of the personal data and contact information provided by the user. As a user of the ISSBS website, you are obliged to provide for the accuracy and validity of all data transmitted within the ISSBS website.
ISSBS processes the collected data that the user has provided into an online form for the purposes for which he/she has provided them as a user of the ISSBS website (communication and information, transmission of information, material and invitations to ISSBS events, statistical processing, analysis and preparation of reports, as well as telephone interviews, written surveys and electronic questionnaires).
- Data collection
Collected personal data is stored in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia and in no case it can be transferred to other countries.
- Storage period
The collected personal data of individuals is stored until the consent for the storage and processing of individual data is withdrawn. The information regarding your application is stored and processed until the user unsubscribes from the e-mail service via the ISSBS website or by e-mail, or until a written request is sent to to withdraw consent. After the withdrawal of the consent by the user, his/her personal data shall be permanently deleted within fifteen (15) days at the latest.
In case ISSBS would terminate the above-mentioned purposes for storage and processing of personal data, the databases whose purpose has ceased to exist will be permanently deleted within fifteen (15) days.
We store information regarding the received messages and its related clicks for an additional 36 months from their sending.
- How to protect collected personal information
The ISSBS website is hosted on a secure web server and is subject to regular security checks.
The collected personal data is used exclusively for the stated purposes. ISSBS does not sell or forward any data to third parties, except for those partners assisting in the maintenance of the ISSBS website and obliged to protect personal data under the same conditions as ISSBS.
In exceptional cases, we may transfer your personal information, in accordance with the law, to the state and security authorities insofar as an official request for the transmission of personal data would be agreed by the user.
- Individual rights
Every individual can request at any time:
- The right of access by the date subject
- The right to rectification
- The right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”)
- The right to restriction of processing
- The right to data portability
- The right to object
1. The right of access by the date subject
The data subject shall have the right to obtain from ISSBS confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed, and, where that is the case, access to the personal data and the following information:
– the purposes of the processing;
– the categories of personal data concerned;
– the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, in particular recipients in third countries or international organizations;
– where possible, the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period;
– the existence of the right to request from the controller rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing of personal data concerning the data subject or to object to such processing;
– the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;
Following a request by the data subject, ISSBS shall provide a copy of his/her processed personal data.
2. The right to rectification
The data subject shall have the right to obtain from ISSBS, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, the data subject shall have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.
3. Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”)
The data subject shall have the right to obtain from ISSBS the erasure of personal data concerning him or her without undue delay and the controller shall have the obligation to erase personal data without undue delay where one of the following grounds applies:
– the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
– the data subject withdraws consent on which the processing is based and where there is no other legal ground for the processing;
– the data subject objects to the processing for direct marketing purposes;
– the personal data have to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation in EU or Slovenian law to which ISSBS is subject, in relation to the offer of information society services, as well as data that has been unlawfully collected from a minor who, according to the applicable legislation, cannot provide such information.
4. The right to restriction of processing
The data subject shall have the right to obtain from MFSPŠ restriction of processing where one of the following applies:
- the accuracy of the personal data is contested by the data subject, for a period enabling the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data;
- the processing is unlawful and the data subject opposes the erasure of the personal data and requests the restriction of their use instead;
- ISSBS no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by the data subject for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;
- the data subject has objected to processing pending the verification whether the legitimate grounds of the controller override those of the data subject.
5. The right to data portability
The data subject shall have the right to receive the personal data given to ISSBS, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, as well as the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from ISSBS, to which the personal data have been provided, where:
- the processing is based on consent of the user or on a contract
- the processing is carried out by automated means.
6. The right to object
The data subject shall have the right to object, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning him or her based on the legitimate interests pursued by the ICSBS or a third party. ISSBS shall no longer process the personal data unless the controller demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. Where personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, the data subject shall have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning him or her for such marketing, which includes profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing. Insofar as direct marketing is based on consent, the right to object is made by withdrawal of the given personal consent.
- Cookies
For the proper functioning of the ISSBS website and a better user experience, we use cookies. The ISSBS respects your privacy and commits to protect user data in accordance with the Slovenian applicable law (Electronic Communications Act, ZEKom-1, Official Gazette of RS, No. 109/2012 et seq.).
As a user of the ISSBS website, cookies can be accepted or rejected at any time. If you do not want to receive cookies, set your browser to delete all cookies from your computer’s hard drive, to block them, or to alert you before the cookie is saved to your disk. All information about the cookies used on the ISSBS website is presented in more detail in the Cookie Policy.
- Right to lodge a complaint concerning the processing of personal data
The request can be sent via e-mail or in writing by post to the headquarters of the ISSBS.
In the event that ISSBS wishes to further process personal data for a purpose other than the purpose for which the personal data were collected, we will provide the subject with information on the new purpose as well as any further relevant information prior to any additional processing of the data document.
Any individual may, in the event that he or she believes that his/her rights have been violated in any way in our website in connection with the protection of his/her personal data, shall have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority: Information Commissioner in the Republic of Slovenia: Republic of Slovenia, Information Commissioner, Zaloška 59, 1000 Ljubljana ,
ISSBS respects your privacy and in accordance with the Slovenian legislation (Law on the Protection of Personal Data ZVOP-1, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 94/07 and GDPR). Therefore, in our website, we implement all activities according to an ethical protection and handling of your personal information.
- Final provisions
This policy is published on the ISSBS website and comes into force on 25.5.2018.
Zakon o elektronskih komunikacijah (Uradni list št. 109/2012), ZEKom-1 je v pravni red prinesel pravila glede uporabe piškotkov in podobnih tehnologij za shranjevanje informacij ali dostop do informacij, shranjenih na računalnikih, tablicah ali mobilnih napravah uporabnikov. S pomočjo piškotkov se na uporabnikovi napravi hranijo unikatni podatki o uporabniku oziroma nastavitve, ki si jih je na posameznem spletnem mestu izbral.
Celotna politika
Zakon o elektronskih komunikacijah (Uradni list št. 109/2012), ZEKom-1 je v pravni red prinesel pravila glede uporabe piškotkov in podobnih tehnologij za shranjevanje informacij ali dostop do informacij, shranjenih na računalnikih, tablicah ali mobilnih napravah uporabnikov. S pomočjo piškotkov se na uporabnikovi napravi hranijo unikatni podatki o uporabniku oziroma nastavitve, ki si jih je na posameznem spletnem mestu izbral.
Pridobljene informacije in podatke bomo skrbno varovali ter jih uporabljali izključno za potrebe zagotavljanja spletne storitve, analizo uporabe, oglasnih sistemov in funkcionalnosti, ki jih brez piškotkov ne bi mogli nuditi.
Kaj so piškotki?
Piškotki so majhne datoteke, ki se prenesejo na računalnik uporabnika ob obisku spletne strani. Običajno se uporabljajo za delovanje bistvenih elementov spletne strani za izboljšanje uporabnikove izkušnje.
Piškotki so shranjeni za čas trajanja ene seje ali dalje. Ob vsakem nadaljnjem obisku lahko le ta ponovno pridobi informacije iz že shranjenega piškotka na uporabnikovem računalniku in ga tako identificira, vendar piškotki ne vsebujejo osebnih podatkov in ne dajejo dostopa do računalnika.
Vsak uporabnik ima popoln nadzor nad piškotki in se lahko tako sam odloči, ali bo dovolil shranjevanje piškotkov na svoji napravi.
Na spletni strani, uporabnikom ponujamo možnost, da se odločijo o sprejetju ali zavrnitvi piškotkov. Pri tem opozarjamo, da njihova izključitev lahko privede do morebitnih težav s stranjo, nekatere funkcionalnosti spletne strani so lahko celo onemogočene.
Tabela piškotkov:
Vrsta | Ime | Namen | Trajanje | Posredovanje tretjim | Privolitev uporabnika |
druge | _utma | Google Analytics piškotek za ločevanje med uporabniki in sejami. | 2 leti | Google inc. | Domnevna |
druge | _ga | Google Analytics piškotek za ločevanje med uporabniki in sejami. | 2 leti | Google inc. | Domnevna |
druge | _gid | Google Analytics piškotek za ločevanje med uporabniki in sejami. | 2 leti | Google inc. | Domnevna |
druge | _gat | Uporablja se za hitrost throttle zahtevkov. Če je razvit Google Analytics preko Google Tag Manager, ta piškotek bo imenovan _dc_gtm_<property-id>. | 1 minuto | Google inc. | Domnevna |
lastni | MoodleSession | Omogoča avtentifikacijo uporabnika | sejni | Ne | Ne |
druge | act | Delovanje Facebook vtičnika | Trajanje seje |
| |
druge | c_user | Delovanje Facebook vtičnika | Trajanje seje |
| |
druge | csm | Delovanje Facebook vtičnika | Trajanje seje |
| |
druge | datr | Delovanje Facebook vtičnika | 2 leti |
| |
druge | fr | Delovanje Facebook vtičnika | 1 mesec |
| |
druge | lu | Delovanje Facebook vtičnika | 2 leti |
| |
druge | p | Delovanje Facebook vtičnika | trajanje seje |
| |
druge | presence | Delovanje Facebook vtičnika | trajanje seje |
| |
druge | s | Delovanje Facebook vtičnika | trajanje seje |
| |
druge | xy | Delovanje Facebook vtičnika | Trajanje seje |
Kako upravljati piškotke?
Nastavitve za piškotke lahko nadzirate in spreminjate tudi v svojem spletnem brskalniku. Za informacije o nastavitvah za piškotke izberite spletni brskalnik, ki ga uporabljate.
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Internet Explorer 11
- Internet Explorer 10
- Internet Explorer 9
- Internet Explorer 7 in 8
- Opera (stran v angleškem jeziku)
- Safari (stran v angleškem jeziku)
Če ste soglasje za piškotke predhodno že dali in se pozneje premislili ter izključili prejemanje piškotkov v svojem brskalniku, bo vaš obisk na spletni strani razumljen kot prvi obisk. V tem primeru boste znova dobili obvestilo o piškotkih.
Optimizacija spletne strani – Google Analytics
Zaradi stalne optimizacije naše spletne strani uporabljamo na podlagi 6 (1f) člena Splošne uredbe EU o varstvu podatkov Google Analytics, službo za analiziranje na spletu podjetja Google Inc. (»Google«). Naš upravičen interes sledi iz prikazanih namenov. V zvezi s tem se oblikujejo psevdonimni uporabniški profili in uporabljajo se piškotki. Pri tem piškotek o vaši uporabi te spletne strani pridobi naslednje informacije:
- vrsta/različica spletnega brskalnika,
- uporabljen operacijski sistem,
- napotitveni URL (pred tem obiskana spletna stran),
- ime gostitelja (IP-naslov),
- čas povpraševanja strežnika.
Informacije bodo uporabljene za oceno uporabe naše spletne strani, izdelavo poročil o aktivnosti spletne strani ter za zbiranje nadaljnjih storitev, povezanih z uporabo spletnih strani ter spleta v namene tržnih raziskav in v skladu s potrebnim oblikovanjem teh spletnih strani. IP-naslovi postanejo anonimni, tako da dodelitev ni možna (tako imenovan IP-Masking).
Namestitev piškotkov lahko s pomočjo ustreznih nastavitev vašega brskalnika preprečite; vendar opozarjamo, da v tem primeru nekatere funkcije te spletne strani ne bodo dostopne v celoti. Poleg tega lahko evidentiranje podatkov, pridobljenih s pomočjo piškotkov in nanašajoč se na obisk spletne strani (vključno z vašim IP-naslovom) kakor tudi obdelavo teh podatkov s strani Googla preprečite tako, da iz brskalnika prenesete in naložite ta dodatek za brskalnik Chrome. Dodatno k temu dodatku za brskalnik, zlasti pri brskalnikih na mobilnih napravah, lahko evidentiranje s strani Google Analytics preprečite tako, da se klikne na povezavo.
Namesti se zavrnitveni piškotek (Opt-out), ki pri obisku te spletne strani prepreči bodoče zajemanje vaših podatkov. Zavrnitveni piškotek (Opt-out) velja le v tem brskalniku in le za to spletno stran ter se odloži na vaši napravi. Če izbrišete piškotke iz tega brskalnika, morate ponovno določiti zavrnitveni piškotek. Nadaljnje informacije o varstvu podatkov v povezavi z Google Analytics najdete na spletni strani Google Analytics.
Namesti se zavrnitveni piškotek (Opt-out), ki pri obisku te spletne strani prepreči bodoče zajemanje vaših podatkov. Zavrnitveni piškotek (Opt-out) velja le v tem brskalniku in le za to spletno stran ter se odloži na vaši napravi. Če izbrišete piškotke iz tega brskalnika, morate ponovno določiti zavrnitveni piškotek. Nadaljnje informacije o varstvu podatkov v povezavi z Google Analytics najdete na spletni strani Google Analytics.
Prejemniki/kategorije prejemnikov:
S pomočjo piškotka pridobljene informacije se prenesejo in shranijo na strežnik podjetja Google v ZDA. Vaš IP-naslov ne bo v nobenem primeru povezan z drugimi Googlovimi podatki. Prav tako bodo te informacije po potrebi posredovane tretji osebi, v kolikor je to zakonsko predpisano ali v kolikor tretje osebe te podatke obdelujejo po naročilu.
Trajanje shranjevanja/kriteriji za določanje trajanja shranjevanja:
Po tem, ko IP-naslov postane anonimen, ugotovitev vaše osebe ni več mogoča. Statistično obdelani podatki se v Google Analytics izbrišejo po 26 mesecih. V na osnovi Google Analytics izdelanih poročilih ne obstaja več nobena povezava z osebo.
Kako ravnamo z vašimi osebnimi podatki, ki jih vpišete v obrazce na spletni strani in prijavi na e-obvestil?
Podatke, ki jih vpišete v obrazce na spletni strani, uporabljamo izključno za namen posredovanje informacij v zvezi s študijskimi programi, dogodkih na fakulteti in posredovanje našega Newsletterja. Vaše podatke skrbno varujemo in jih ne posredujemo tretjim osebam oziroma uporabljamo za kakršne koli druge namene.
Z oddajo vašega email soglašate, da vaš elektronski naslov uporabljamo za namene obveščanja o naši dejavnosti. Iz sistema se lahko kadarkoli izpišete in sicer tako, da v poslanem elektronskem sporočilu kliknete na označeno povezavo za odjavo.
6. Dodatna vprašanja
Vsa nadaljnja vprašanja o piškotkih nam lahko sporočite na email
The Slovenian Electronic Communications Act (Official Gazette No. 109/2012), ZEKom-1, enacted the rules regarding the use of cookies and similar technologies for storing information or accessing information stored on computers, tablets or mobile devices. With the help of cookies, the users’ device stores exclusive user data or settings that they have selected on a particular site.
The information and data we collect will be carefully stored and used exclusively for the purposes of providing online services, usage analysis, advertising systems and performance, which would not be possible to offer without cookies.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small pieces of data that are transferred to the users’ computer when they visit a website. Usually they are used to support the basic elements of a website and as a way to improve the user experience.
Cookies are stored for one session or more. Upon each subsequent visit, it can retrieve information from an already stored cookie on a user’s computer and identify it. Cookies, however, do not contain personal information and do not give access to the computer.
Each user has complete control of cookies and can decide whether to allow their storage on his/her device.
On the website, we offer users the option of accepting cookies. In doing so, we warn that their exclusion may lead to potential problems with the site, and that some of the functions of the website may even be disabled.
Cookie table:
Category | Name | Purpose | Duration | Third parties involvement | User consent |
other | _utma | Cookies of Google Analytics to distinguish between users and sessions. | 2 years | Google inc. The cookie is anonymized with SafeMetric ™ before being forwarded | Implied |
other | _ga | Cookies of Google Analytics to distinguish between users and sessions | 2 years | Google inc. The cookie is anonymized with SafeMetric ™ before being forwarded | Implied |
other | _gid | Cookies of Google Analytics to distinguish between users and sessions | 2 years | Google inc. The cookie is anonymized with SafeMetric ™ before being forwarded | Implied |
other | _gat | It is used for the speed of throttle requests. If Google Analytics is developed through Google Tag Manager, this cookie will be named _dc_gtm_<property-id>. | 1 minute | Google inc. The cookie is anonymized with SafeMetric ™ before being forwarded | Implied |
personal | MoodleSession | Allows user authentication | session | No | No |
other | act | Facebook plugin performance | Duration of session | ||
other | c_user | Facebook plugin performance | Duration of session | ||
other | csm | Facebook plugin performance | Duration of session
| ||
other | datr | Facebook plugin performance | 2 years | ||
other | fr | Facebook plugin performance | 1 month | ||
other | lu | Facebook plugin performance | 2 years | ||
other | p | Facebook plugin performance | Duration of session
| ||
other | presence | Facebook plugin performance | Duration of session
| ||
other | s | Facebook plugin performance | Duration of session
| ||
other | xy | Facebook plugin performance | Duration of session
How to manage cookies?
You can also control and modify cookie settings in your web browser. For information on cookie settings, select the web browser you are using.
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Internet Explorer 11
- Internet Explorer 10
- Internet Explorer 9
- Internet Explorer 7 and 8
- Opera (page in English)
- Safari (page in English)
If you previously agreed to cookies but later changed your mind and turned off the cookies in your browser, your visit to the site will be considered as the first visit. In this case, you will receive a notification of cookies once again.
Website Optimization – Google Analytics
Due to the constant optimization of our website, we use (on the basis of Article 6 (1f) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation) Google Analytics, the online analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Our legitimate interest responds to the above-mentioned purposes. As a result, pseudonymous user profiles can be formed and cookies used. In this case, the cookie related to the use of this website includes the following information:
– type / version of web browser,
– the operating system used,
– referral URL (previously visited web site),
– Hostname (IP address),
– time of server demand.
The information will be processed to assess the use of our website, to generate reports about the activity of the website, and to collect further services related to the use of other sites and the web for the purposes of market research and in accordance with the required design of these websites. IP addresses become anonymous, so allocation is not possible (the so-called IP-Masking).
Setting cookies can prevent you from using the appropriate settings of your browser; however, we note that in this case some functions of our site will not be fully accessible. In addition, you can prevent the registration of cookie-related information by referring to a site’s visit (including your IP address), as well as the processing of such data by Google by downloading the add-on from this browser. In addition to this browser plug-in, especially for mobile browsers, you can prevent being registered by Google Analytics if you click on this link.
When a rejected cookie (Opt-out) is installed, it prevents any further data registration when visiting our site. The opt-out is only valid in this browser and only for this website, and is forwarded to your device. If you delete cookies from this browser, you must re-define the rejected cookie. Further information on data protection in relation with Google Analytics can be found on the Google Analytics website.
Recipients / categories of recipients:
With the help of a cookie, the information obtained is downloaded and saved to the Google server in the United States. Your IP address will not be linked to any other Google data in any way. In addition, this information can be forwarded to a third party if necessary, insofar as this is legally prescribed or insofar as third parties process this information on request.
Storage duration / criteria for determining the storage duration:
Once the IP address becomes anonymous, your personal identification is no longer possible. Statistically processed data will be deleted from Google Analytics after 26 months. There is no longer any connection to a person based on reports generated by Google Analytics.
How do we handle your personal information when you use the online forms in our website or when you sign for e-notifications?
The information provided in the online forms of our website is used exclusively for the purposes of providing information regarding study programs, events at the faculty and the sending of our Newsletter. We carefully protect your information and do not share it with third parties or use it for any other purpose.
By submitting your email, you agree that we use your email address for the purposes of informing you about our activities. You can log out of the system at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link included in the sent email.
- Additional questions
Please send us any additional questions regarding cookies at
Mariborska cesta 7
3000 Celje
Pogoji uporabe / Terms of use
Celotna politika
Pogoji uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ
1. Uvod
E-učilnica MFDPŠ deluje s pomočjo platforme Moodle, ki je virtualno učno okolje namenjeno za izvajanje aktivnosti kombiniranega učenja (angl. Blended learning) in e-izobraževanja.
Moodle ponuja vrsto funkcij za podporo, administracijo in sodelovanje pri poučevanju in učenju. Funkcije vključujejo vsebine ter aktivnosti za sodelovanje med izvajalci in študenti.
2. Namen Pogojev uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ
Namen Pogojev uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ je določiti pogoje uporabe, opredeliti odgovornosti uporabnikov in spodbujati ustrezno uporabo platforme Moodle-a za zaščito vseh uporabnikov e-učilnice MFDPŠ. Pogoji uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ se uporabljajo znotraj in zunaj prostorov MFDPŠ.
3. Uporaba e-učilnice MFDPŠ
Uporabniki e-učilnice MFDPŠ se najprej registrirajo v E-učilnico MFDPŠ z dodeljenim uporabniškim imenom in geslom.
- Vsi registrirani uporabniki se strinjajo s temi Pogoji uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ, Politiko zasebnosti in varstva osebnih podatkov MFDPŠ ter Pravilnikom o piškotkih preden uporabljajo spletno mesto e-učilnica MFDPŠ, in sicer za celotno obdobje vpisa v e-učilnico MFDPŠ.
- Vsi registrirani uporabniki dovoljujejo obdelavo osebnih podatkov, ki se vršijo preko orodij Moodle-a.
4. Odgovornosti uporabnika e-učilnice MFDPŠ
Uporabniki e-učilnice MFDPŠ se strinjajo, da:
- E-učilnico MFDPŠ uporabljajo izključno za namene poučevanja, učenja in raziskovanja.
- Ne uporabljajo E-učilnico MFDPŠ za komercialno uporabo.
- Ne uporabljajo E-učilnico MFDPŠ za nalaganje, shranjevanje, pregledovanje ali pošiljanje materialov, ki so (ali se lahko štejejo za) obrekovalne, vnetne, diskriminatorne ali žaljive.
- So odgovorni za zapise in razprave v forumih, ki so jih ustvarili.
- Delujejo profesionalno. Uporabljajo vljudno komunikacijo v zapisih do drugih uporabnikov.
- Ne kršijo avtorskih pravic MFDPŠ ali pravic tretjih oseb s kopiranjem in posredovanjem vsebin iz E-učilnice MFDPŠ brez predhodnega dovoljenja. Avtorske pravice za študijska gradiva in vsebine so v lasti ali pod nadzorom MFDPŠ, razen če ni navedeno drugače.
- Gradivo, ki ga prenesejo s te strani, v nobeni obliki ne producirajo.
- Dostopajo do predmetov, v katere so formalno vpisani oz. se lahko vanje samo-vpišejo (prosto-dostopni predmeti).
- Vedno uporabljajo svojo pravo identiteto, vključno s svojim imenom in priimkom.
Uporabniki E-učilnico MFDPŠ uporabljajo na lastno odgovornost. Vsa gradiva so objavljena "kot so" brez garancije glede njene natančnosti. Če se pojavijo dvomi o verodostojnosti in natančnosti gradiv, objavljenih v E-učilnici MFDPŠ, se morajo obrniti na skrbnika spletnega mesta ali izvajalca predmeta.
5. Varstvo osebnih podatkov v e-učilnici MFDPŠ
MFDPŠ bo sprejela vse ustrezne varnostne ukrepe za zaščito osebnih podatkov uporabnikov pred nepooblaščenim dostopom, zlorabo ali razkritjem.
Uporabniki E-učilnice MFDPŠ se strinjajo, da:
- Svojega uporabniškega imena in gesla ne delijo z nikomer drugim in ne uporabljajo uporabniškega imena in gesla drugih uporabnikov.
- Ohranijo fizični dostop do E-učilnice MFDPŠ. Na primer, če se prijavijo v E-učilnico MFDPŠ, z računalnikom (oz. drugo napravo), ga ne pustijo brez nadzora za čas trajanja seje.
- Ne poskušajo pridobiti nepooblaščenega dostopa do katerega koli dela E-učilnice MFDPŠ
- Ne objavljajo gradiva, ki vsebuje viruse ali druge programe, ki bi lahko ogrozili spletno mesto MFDPŠ.
- Razumejo, da MFDPŠ ne prevzema odgovornosti za kakršnokoli izgubo informacij, ki so bile objavljene v E-učilnici MFDPŠ.
6. Kršitve
V primeru kršitve odgovornosti uporabnika e-učilnice MFDPŠ, se kršitev obravnava v skladu s pravilniki MFDPŠ.
7. Zapisi v E-učilnici MFDPŠ
Zapisi v povezavi s temi Pogoji uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ se hranijo v skladu s Pravilnikom o varovanju osebnih in zaupnih podatkov fakultete. Zaupne datoteke, povezane z izvajanjem teh Pogojev uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ, se vzdržujejo v skladu z ustreznimi postopki zasebnosti.
8. Posodabljanje Pogojev uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ
Pogoji uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ se posodabljajo po potrebi, tako da se zagotovi skladnost z aktualno zakonodajo in predpisi.
Terms of use of the ISSBS e-classroom
1. Introduction
The ISSBS e-classroom functions with the help of the Moodle platform, which is a virtual learning environment intended for the implementation of blended Learning and e-Learning activities.
The Moodle platform offers a number of features to support, administer and participate in teaching and learning. Some functions include content and activities for collaboration between teachers and students.
2. Purpose and Terms of the use of the ISSBS e-classroom
The purpose of the Terms of Use of the ISSBS e-classroom is to determine the terms of use, define the responsibilities of users and promote the proper use of the Moodle platform as a way to protect all users of the ISSBS e-classroom. The terms of use of the ISSBS e-classroom are to be used inside and outside the premises of the ISSBS.
3. The use of the ISSBS e-classroom
The users of the ISSBS e-classroom need to register first with the ISSBS e-classroom with an assigned username and password.
- All registered users agree to these Terms of Use of the ISSBS, the Privacy Policy and the Protection of Personal Data of the ISSBS, as well as the Rules for Cookies, before using the website of the ISSBS e-classroom, for the entire period of enrolment in the ISSBS e-classroom.
- All registered users allow the processing of personal data carried out using the Moodle tools.
4. Responsibilities of the user of the ISSBS e-classroom
All users of the ISSBS e-classroom agree:
- To use the ISSBS e-classroom exclusively for teaching, learning and research purposes.
- Not to use the ISSBS e-classroom for commercial use.
- Not to use the ISSBS e-classroom for uploading, storing, viewing or sending materials that are (or can be considered) defamatory, inflammatory, discriminatory or offensive.
- To be responsible for the records and discussions in the forums they have created.
- To work professionally. To use polite communication in records to the rest of the users.
- Not to violate the copyrights of the ISSBS or the rights of third parties by copying and transmitting content from the ISSBS e-classroom without prior permission. Copyrights for study materials and content are owned or controlled by the ISSBS, unless otherwise indicated.
- Not to edit in any other form the materials download from this site.
- To access subjects in which they are formally enrolled or they can be self-enrolled (freely accessible subjects).
- To always use their real identity, including their name and surname.
The users of the ISSBS e-classroom use this site at their own risk. All materials are published "as they appear" without a guarantee of its accuracy. If users doubt the credibility and accuracy of the materials published in the ISSBS e-classroom, they should contact the site administrator or the subject provider.
5. The protection of personal data in the ISSBS e-classroom
ISSBS will take all appropriate precautions to protect users' personal data from unauthorized access, misuse or disclosure.
All users of the ISSBS e-classroom agree:
Not to share their username and password with anyone else and not to use the usernames and passwords of other users.
- To maintain physical access to the ISSBS e-classroom. For example, if they sign up for a session in the ISSBS e-classroom with a computer (or another device), they should not leave it unattended for the duration of the session.
- Not to attempt to gain unauthorized access to any section of the ISSBS e-classroom.
- Not to publish materials that contains viruses or other programs that could jeopardize the ISSBS website.
- To understand that ISSBS does not assume responsibility for any loss of information published in the ISSBS e-classroom.
6. Breaches
In the event of any breach in the responsibility by the user of the ISSBS e-classroom, such violation shall be treated in accordance with the rules of the ISSBS.
7. Records in the E-class of the ISSBS
Any records in connection with these Terms of Use of the ISSBS e-classroom shall be kept in accordance with the Rules on the Protection of Personal and Confidential Information of the Faculty. Confidential files associated with the implementation of these Terms of Use of the ISSBS e-classroom shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable privacy practices.
8. Updating the Terms of Use of the ISSBS e-Classroom
The terms of use of the ISSBS e-classroom are updated as necessary to ensure compliance with current legislation and regulations.
Avtorske pravice / Copyright
Celotna politika
Avtorske pravice
Vsebine, objavljene na spletnem mestu MFDPŠ so last MFDPŠ in jo lahko uporabniki uporabljate le za nekomercialne namene. Vse pravice so pridržane. Brez dovoljenja MFDPŠ je prepovedano prepisovati, razmnoževati ali kako drugače razširjati in v kakršnikoli obliki obdelovati vsebine spletnega mesta MFDPŠ.
MFDPŠ bo na svojih spletnih straneh zagotavljal točnost in ažurnost podatkov z vso skrbnostjo, vendar pa za njihovo točnost, celovitost, kot tudi za škodo, ki bi izhajala iz tega, ne prevzema nikakršne odgovornosti.
MFDPŠ tudi ne prevzema nobene odgovornosti v povezavi s posledicami, ki jih povzročijo informacije, ne prevzema nobene odgovornosti za morebitne viruse, ki bi se k uporabnikom prenesli s tega spletnega mesta, in toplo priporoča, da se uporabniki pred nevarnostjo virusov ustrezno zavarujejo še pred prenosom informacij s tega spletnega mesta.
MFDPŠ ni odgovorna za občasno nedelovanje spletnega mesta, morebitno netočnost informacij in tudi ne za morebitno škodo nastalo zaradi uporabe netočnih ali nepopolnih informacij. Niti katera koli druga pravna ali fizična oseba, ki je sodelovala pri nastanku in izdelavi teh spletnih mest, zato ne odgovarja za nobeno škodo, ki bi izhajala iz dostopa do, uporabe ali nemožnosti uporabe informacij na teh spletnih mestih ali za kakršne koli napake ali pomanjkljivosti v njihovi vsebini.
Pridružujemo si pravico, da uporabnike napotimo na druge strani svetovnega spleta in ne prevzemamo nikakršne odgovornosti za njihovo vsebino.
Za vse dodatne informacije in pooblastila v zvezi s politiko varovanja osebnih podatkov MFDPŠ se obrnite na:
Mariborska cesta 7
3000 Celje
Telefon: 03/4258240
The content published on the ISSBS website is owned by ISSBS and can only be used by users for non-commercial purposes. All rights are reserved. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce, disseminate or process, in any form, the contents of the ISSBS website without permission.
ISSBS will ensure diligently the accuracy and validity of the data on its website, but it does not assume any responsibility for their accuracy, integrity, nor the damage resulting from it.
ISSBS also does not assume any responsibility in relation to the consequences caused by the information, and assumes no responsibility for any viruses that could be downloaded to users from its site. It strongly recommends users to be adequately protected against the risk of viruses prior to spreading information from this site.
ISSBS is not responsible for the occasional failure of the website, the possible inaccuracy of the information, nor for any damage resulting from the use of inaccurate or incomplete information. No legal or natural person who took part in the creation of these sites is responsible for any damage resulting from access to, use of or inability to use the information on those sites, nor for any errors or omissions in their content.
We reserve the right to refer users to other sites on the World Wide Web and take no responsibility for their content.
For any additional information and authorization regarding the personal data protection policy of ISSBS, please contact:
Mariborska cesta 7
3000 Celje
Phone: 03/4258240