e-učilnica MFDPŠ | e-classroom ISSBS
Pogoji uporabe / Terms of use
Pogoji uporabe / Terms of use
Pogoji uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ
1. Uvod
E-učilnica MFDPŠ deluje s pomočjo platforme Moodle, ki je virtualno učno okolje namenjeno za izvajanje aktivnosti kombiniranega učenja (angl. Blended learning) in e-izobraževanja.
Moodle ponuja vrsto funkcij za podporo, administracijo in sodelovanje pri poučevanju in učenju. Funkcije vključujejo vsebine ter aktivnosti za sodelovanje med izvajalci in študenti.
2. Namen Pogojev uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ
Namen Pogojev uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ je določiti pogoje uporabe, opredeliti odgovornosti uporabnikov in spodbujati ustrezno uporabo platforme Moodle-a za zaščito vseh uporabnikov e-učilnice MFDPŠ. Pogoji uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ se uporabljajo znotraj in zunaj prostorov MFDPŠ.
3. Uporaba e-učilnice MFDPŠ
Uporabniki e-učilnice MFDPŠ se najprej registrirajo v E-učilnico MFDPŠ z dodeljenim uporabniškim imenom in geslom.
- Vsi registrirani uporabniki se strinjajo s temi Pogoji uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ, Politiko zasebnosti in varstva osebnih podatkov MFDPŠ ter Pravilnikom o piškotkih preden uporabljajo spletno mesto e-učilnica MFDPŠ, in sicer za celotno obdobje vpisa v e-učilnico MFDPŠ.
- Vsi registrirani uporabniki dovoljujejo obdelavo osebnih podatkov, ki se vršijo preko orodij Moodle-a.
4. Odgovornosti uporabnika e-učilnice MFDPŠ
Uporabniki e-učilnice MFDPŠ se strinjajo, da:
- E-učilnico MFDPŠ uporabljajo izključno za namene poučevanja, učenja in raziskovanja.
- Ne uporabljajo E-učilnico MFDPŠ za komercialno uporabo.
- Ne uporabljajo E-učilnico MFDPŠ za nalaganje, shranjevanje, pregledovanje ali pošiljanje materialov, ki so (ali se lahko štejejo za) obrekovalne, vnetne, diskriminatorne ali žaljive.
- So odgovorni za zapise in razprave v forumih, ki so jih ustvarili.
- Delujejo profesionalno. Uporabljajo vljudno komunikacijo v zapisih do drugih uporabnikov.
- Ne kršijo avtorskih pravic MFDPŠ ali pravic tretjih oseb s kopiranjem in posredovanjem vsebin iz E-učilnice MFDPŠ brez predhodnega dovoljenja. Avtorske pravice za študijska gradiva in vsebine so v lasti ali pod nadzorom MFDPŠ, razen če ni navedeno drugače.
- Gradivo, ki ga prenesejo s te strani, v nobeni obliki ne producirajo.
- Dostopajo do predmetov, v katere so formalno vpisani oz. se lahko vanje samo-vpišejo (prosto-dostopni predmeti).
- Vedno uporabljajo svojo pravo identiteto, vključno s svojim imenom in priimkom.
Uporabniki E-učilnico MFDPŠ uporabljajo na lastno odgovornost. Vsa gradiva so objavljena "kot so" brez garancije glede njene natančnosti. Če se pojavijo dvomi o verodostojnosti in natančnosti gradiv, objavljenih v E-učilnici MFDPŠ, se morajo obrniti na skrbnika spletnega mesta ali izvajalca predmeta.
5. Varstvo osebnih podatkov v e-učilnici MFDPŠ
MFDPŠ bo sprejela vse ustrezne varnostne ukrepe za zaščito osebnih podatkov uporabnikov pred nepooblaščenim dostopom, zlorabo ali razkritjem.
Uporabniki E-učilnice MFDPŠ se strinjajo, da:
- Svojega uporabniškega imena in gesla ne delijo z nikomer drugim in ne uporabljajo uporabniškega imena in gesla drugih uporabnikov.
- Ohranijo fizični dostop do E-učilnice MFDPŠ. Na primer, če se prijavijo v E-učilnico MFDPŠ, z računalnikom (oz. drugo napravo), ga ne pustijo brez nadzora za čas trajanja seje.
- Ne poskušajo pridobiti nepooblaščenega dostopa do katerega koli dela E-učilnice MFDPŠ
- Ne objavljajo gradiva, ki vsebuje viruse ali druge programe, ki bi lahko ogrozili spletno mesto MFDPŠ.
- Razumejo, da MFDPŠ ne prevzema odgovornosti za kakršnokoli izgubo informacij, ki so bile objavljene v E-učilnici MFDPŠ.
6. Kršitve
V primeru kršitve odgovornosti uporabnika e-učilnice MFDPŠ, se kršitev obravnava v skladu s pravilniki MFDPŠ.
7. Zapisi v E-učilnici MFDPŠ
Zapisi v povezavi s temi Pogoji uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ se hranijo v skladu s Pravilnikom o varovanju osebnih in zaupnih podatkov fakultete. Zaupne datoteke, povezane z izvajanjem teh Pogojev uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ, se vzdržujejo v skladu z ustreznimi postopki zasebnosti.
8. Posodabljanje Pogojev uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ
Pogoji uporabe e-učilnice MFDPŠ se posodabljajo po potrebi, tako da se zagotovi skladnost z aktualno zakonodajo in predpisi.
Terms of use of the ISSBS e-classroom
1. Introduction
The ISSBS e-classroom functions with the help of the Moodle platform, which is a virtual learning environment intended for the implementation of blended Learning and e-Learning activities.
The Moodle platform offers a number of features to support, administer and participate in teaching and learning. Some functions include content and activities for collaboration between teachers and students.
2. Purpose and Terms of the use of the ISSBS e-classroom
The purpose of the Terms of Use of the ISSBS e-classroom is to determine the terms of use, define the responsibilities of users and promote the proper use of the Moodle platform as a way to protect all users of the ISSBS e-classroom. The terms of use of the ISSBS e-classroom are to be used inside and outside the premises of the ISSBS.
3. The use of the ISSBS e-classroom
The users of the ISSBS e-classroom need to register first with the ISSBS e-classroom with an assigned username and password.
- All registered users agree to these Terms of Use of the ISSBS, the Privacy Policy and the Protection of Personal Data of the ISSBS, as well as the Rules for Cookies, before using the website of the ISSBS e-classroom, for the entire period of enrolment in the ISSBS e-classroom.
- All registered users allow the processing of personal data carried out using the Moodle tools.
4. Responsibilities of the user of the ISSBS e-classroom
All users of the ISSBS e-classroom agree:
- To use the ISSBS e-classroom exclusively for teaching, learning and research purposes.
- Not to use the ISSBS e-classroom for commercial use.
- Not to use the ISSBS e-classroom for uploading, storing, viewing or sending materials that are (or can be considered) defamatory, inflammatory, discriminatory or offensive.
- To be responsible for the records and discussions in the forums they have created.
- To work professionally. To use polite communication in records to the rest of the users.
- Not to violate the copyrights of the ISSBS or the rights of third parties by copying and transmitting content from the ISSBS e-classroom without prior permission. Copyrights for study materials and content are owned or controlled by the ISSBS, unless otherwise indicated.
- Not to edit in any other form the materials download from this site.
- To access subjects in which they are formally enrolled or they can be self-enrolled (freely accessible subjects).
- To always use their real identity, including their name and surname.
The users of the ISSBS e-classroom use this site at their own risk. All materials are published "as they appear" without a guarantee of its accuracy. If users doubt the credibility and accuracy of the materials published in the ISSBS e-classroom, they should contact the site administrator or the subject provider.
5. The protection of personal data in the ISSBS e-classroom
ISSBS will take all appropriate precautions to protect users' personal data from unauthorized access, misuse or disclosure.
All users of the ISSBS e-classroom agree:
Not to share their username and password with anyone else and not to use the usernames and passwords of other users.
- To maintain physical access to the ISSBS e-classroom. For example, if they sign up for a session in the ISSBS e-classroom with a computer (or another device), they should not leave it unattended for the duration of the session.
- Not to attempt to gain unauthorized access to any section of the ISSBS e-classroom.
- Not to publish materials that contains viruses or other programs that could jeopardize the ISSBS website.
- To understand that ISSBS does not assume responsibility for any loss of information published in the ISSBS e-classroom.
6. Breaches
In the event of any breach in the responsibility by the user of the ISSBS e-classroom, such violation shall be treated in accordance with the rules of the ISSBS.
7. Records in the E-class of the ISSBS
Any records in connection with these Terms of Use of the ISSBS e-classroom shall be kept in accordance with the Rules on the Protection of Personal and Confidential Information of the Faculty. Confidential files associated with the implementation of these Terms of Use of the ISSBS e-classroom shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable privacy practices.
8. Updating the Terms of Use of the ISSBS e-Classroom
The terms of use of the ISSBS e-classroom are updated as necessary to ensure compliance with current legislation and regulations.